TAURUS - "The Bull" in latin and Disguise Jeus in Greek mythology.
"Taurus" is 2nd Astrological sign in the Zodiac. It spans the 30-60th degree of the zodiac, between 27.25 and 54.75 degree of celestial longitude, which the Sun transits this area on average between April 20 to May 20 each year. The Egyptians TAURUS is The Bull which symbolized Osiris and his sister Isis who represented as a bull-god and cow-goddess respectively. Greek identified Taurus with the disguise adopted by Zeus in yet another of his amorous adventures.
Taurus moon sign 2016 - Time Distribution www.astrotapas.com |
The Mars and lucky planet Jupiter will shower the blessings from start of the year in 2016 for "Taurus" moon sign. Although the transit of North and South Node (Rahu and Ketu) may give initial hiccups but will later give stable results in all perspectives. Some of the Taurus moon sign may get unexpected gain financially, immovable property, job offer in month of January. The students arena will have more better results after January as Rahu and Ketu will transit after mid of the January month. The matrimonial bells are eager for "Taurus" who are looking forward to seek a life partner. Those who are mangalik through Ascendant will have a perfect prospect of getting married in between March and May.
There might be little effort and complexity in professional career due to transit of Ketu but that will settle down in a month or two. The Rahu will try to give you second thoughts but do not stagger with you decisions and thoughts. The Mars and Venus will shower the blessings around most of the year and help at times of temporary despair during 2016. The health will be stable and sound through out the year. There will be minor temporary issues during the start of the year 2016 and July month that may need some attention for some time. The mid of April to mid of May indicates travel and location change for few of the Taurus for sure. June indicates some expense which may be out of the way but may not be avoidable.
The below matrix chart for Taurus moon sign gives the transit of each planet in 2016. The figures 1, 2, 3, 4, ...12 depicts the house in which the planet will transit in each month for Taurus moon sign.
How to read the matrix
Eg: For Taurus moon sign, the Sun in January will transit in 8th and 9th house from moon sign and the 9th house represents travels, abstract and higher concepts, education, decision making capability, spirituality, and foreign matters. So all these matters will be influenced by Sun in month of January depending on the position of Sun in native's chart. The overall favorable percentage is calculated scientifically on the basis of transit of all planet in different house taken together and following a logarithmic mathematical approach aligned with concepts of Vedic Astrology (Grah Maitri) and mathematical probabilistic theory.
The 12 Houses in natal charts - Vedic Astrology
The August to December duration will give more defined decisions and thought process. The April and May indicates travel. The position of Saturn along with Mars will be beneficial for spouse and will help in his/her professional gain. The students and those appearing for examinations will have better results in second half of the year. The professional front may have some issues faced due to transit of Ketu but be sure to pass it though patience. The month of March till start of April will give a good results in professional aspects and may give financial gain depending on position of Mercury in the individual horoscope. The end of the year may need some precaution for health.
The below is overall favorable line chart developed fTaurus moon sign indicating favorable % each month in 2016.
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Note : "The below analysis are specific to Moon Sign and in generic implies to taurus (Vrashab Raashi). The position of planets in individual horoscope may give much better and expected or changed results" The overall favorable percent is a calculation of transit of planets in favorable houses in that month.