So : What's your Raashi ??
If you are opening a news paper / internet and reading a horoscope analysis for your Raashi then you should know that whether you are reading a given horoscope analysis based on a sun sign or a moon sign.
Your date of birth decides your sun sign.
Born between
March 21 - April 20 : sun sign is - Aries
April 21 - May 21 : sun sign is - Taurus
May 22 - June 21 : sun sign is - Gemini
June 22 - July 22 : sun sign is -Cancer
Jan 21 - Feb 19 : sun sign is - Aquarius
Feb 20- March 20 : sun sign is - Pisces
The traditional Indian astrology / vedic astrology is based on the moon sign. Most of the people does not know their moon sign, but its quite easy to determine your moon sign just by looking at your horoscope.
Lets take an example:
Refer to Kundali No 1 below: we can just give a look and say that the moon sign or the raashi is : dhanu

Refer to Kundali No 2: We just give a look and say that the moon sgin or the raashi is : Makar
Refer to Kundali No 3: We just give a look and say that the moon sin or the raashi is : tula
Refer to Kundali No 4: We just give a look and say that the moon sin or the raashi is : mesh
Refer to Kundali No 5: We just give a look and say that the moon sin or the raashi is : karka
So, How do we come to know the moon sign just by loooking at the horoscope/kundali. Its simply by looking at the numbers specified where the chadrama/moon is placed in.
Kundali No 1: number specified in the house where chandrama is located is 9 : therefore the Raashi is : Dhanu
Kundali No 2: number specified in the house where chandrama is located is 10 : therefore the Raashi is : Makar
Kundali No 3: number specified in the house where chandrama is located is 7 : therefore the Raashi is : tula
Kundali No 4: number specified in the house where chandrama is located is 1 : therefore the Raashi is : mesh
Kundali No 5: number specified in the house where chandrama is located is 4 : therefore the Raashi is : karka
So you just need to know that which number stands for a particular Raashi, and here it is
1 : stands for mesh
2 : stands for vrashabh
3 : stands for mithun
4 : stands for karka
5 : stands for simha
6 : stands for kanya
7 : stands for tula
8 : stands for vrischik
9 : stands for dhanu
10 : stands for makar
11 : stands for kumbh
12 : stands for meena
So next time you look into your horoscope or any horoscope (Lagna kundali) the Raashi (1,2,3...12) in which Chandrama /moon is situated is the moon sign or the Raashi of the person.
Next post i am specifying what all best can be done for with respect to all raashi's starting from Mesh, Vrishabh,... till Pisces.